Monday, July 18, 2005

Tolkien Encyclopedia: A Few Entries Still Unassigned

UPDATE: Please see post above for more timely information: Click Here. Entries below have been crossed out to show the state of things at approximately 10 p.m. on Wednesday, July 20.

UPDATE: I've crossed out those entries that people are offered to do. I also have a few more that aren't on the list, either because I was hoarding them for myself, or because I've just come up with them:

Valinor 1000
Towers 700
Penance 1000
Glorfindel 600
Morgoth's Ring 1000
Vale of the White Horse 500
Parodies: Bored of the Rings, The Soddit, and others 1000

To my immense surprise, the preparation of The J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia -- Scholarship and Critical Assessment is right now going relatively smoothly. Entries have been pouring in, and they are of very high quality.

I still have a few entries left. Some because people turned them down, others because people didn't respond to emails or (and this happened in a number of cases) I just couldn't track down a functioning email address. So, if you are interested, drop me an email.

Herewith the list of the few remaining entries, followed by planned word counts:

Alcuin 250
Artists and Illustrators' Influence on Tolkien 700
Class in Tolkien's Works 750
Cumberlege, Geoffrey 250
Danes: Contributions to English Culture 250
Danish Language 500
Denmark: Reception of Tolkien 500
Elements 500
Elendilmir 500
Finwë and Miriel 500
German Folktale: Deutsch Mythologie 600
Grammar 500
Greece: Reception of Tolkien 500
Grove, Jenny 250
Koivënéni and Cuivinen 500
Latin Language 1000
North Borneo, Reception of Tolkien 500
Obituary for Henry Bradley 500
Old High German 750
Old High German Literature 500
Priestman, Judith 250
Rhyme Schemes and Meter 1000
Rhyming Poetry 500
Russian Language 500
Thingol, Elwe, Elu Singollo 500
Tolkien Scholarship: Institutions 2000
Viking Raids 250
War of the Jewels 1000
War of the Ring 1000
Wolvercote Cemetery 250
Health and Medicine 500

[An update on Sheep DNA -- which, I know, is all you really want to read about, will be coming later today or tomorrow after I finish reading some more scientific papers.]


Frank said...

North Borneo's reaction to his work?!?!? You really ARE being comprehensive, aren't you?

Michael said...

North Borneo was the first place to honor Tolkien with a stamp. I'm trying to be comprehensive, but I'm not crazy (I hope).

Frank said...

Did not know about the stamps. That makes more sense. I was a little worried that you were doing the reactions of EVERY country.

Eric Kingsepp said...

No, crazy would be if he included "Valinor, Reception of Tolkien". :-)
-Eric K.