Monday, June 08, 2009

"Clash of the Gods" on the History Channel

UPDATE: More stuff here.

Back in December and January I did some work for the series that is going to be on the History Channel. Today they sent me the tentative air dates (and a nice basket of English muffins!):

Clash of the Gods
Airing on The History Channel at 10:00pm

Zeus 8/3
Hercules 8/10
Odyssey(1) 8/17
Odyssey(2) 8/24
Hades 8/31
Medusa 9/7
Thor 9/14
Lord of the Rings 9/21
Minotaur 9/28
Beowulf 10/5

I am in the Thor, The Lord of the Rings and Beowulf episodes.

I'm hoping that they did what they said they would do in the Thor episode, and that my narration of "Thor and Hymir Go Fishing" includes a cgi Thor fighting a cgi Midgard Serpent.


Michelle said...

The CGI fight would be SO cool! I'll be looking forward to these.

But... will watching those episodes count toward Drout Bingo for your students?

Carrie K said...

But that seems so........historical for the History Channel.

Yay! Finally something that isn't trucking or gangs. (Modern gangs.;)

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, check out the production stills from the series!! "Clash of the Gods" is premiering on History Monday, August 3rd at 10pm. Episodes on Zeus, Minotaur, Lord of the Rings, Thor, Beowulf, Medusa, Hercules, The Odyssey, Hades...

bklyn6 said...

I watched the first part. I would do Zeus. LOL

I'm looking forward to the entire series. Thank for the air dates.

Mathew "Berek" Anderson said...

I'm looking forward to the Minotaur episode! They rank near the top of the list for mythological creatures.

Eutychus2 said...

I connected on the links and pretty much agree with your summary. Though I am fascinated with the information, and how current archeological info is, I am totally discouraged with the lack of action and repetition of scenes. To me its as though there was a master script and so the actors were filmed in a limited number of poses, then those poses were taped to the appropriate scene, rather than filming the actors while each scene was taking place. It is precisely this type of
telling history that turns off so many young kids in school. However I will continue to watch the series; and thanks so much for the info.

Thomas Deniau said...

Do you have an updated schedule ? says that Thor is now scheduled to air on Sept. 28...

Thanks !